Thursday 3 May 2012

Year 1. Animation Practise, Term 2, Sting project.

After joining the group, the first task I made sure I completed was to get a good grasp of beth's drawing style and technique - as well as getting familiar with the characters I would soon be working on. I also wanted my animating to flow alongside hers as best as possible. Heres just a few character studies I completed.


Minerva (Close up)

 I was then assigned the role of doing all the "Inbetweening"  Most of Beths keyframes hardly needed it. Here is the kiss scene and curtain scene I done. Eventually it was decided not to use them in the final sting as it was too time consuming. Beth being the director, decided a quicker, different scene would be a more efficient approach. Although they wasn't used in the final sting. I was glad I got the opportunity to have a go at inbetweening and better my animating.

After trying out some inbtweening I was assigned to help Alice with the colouring as there was so much of it. I took the role of Colouring Murphy, the male character. Here's some scenes in the sting that I coloured and re-drew.   


Here is a snapshot silhouette  of Minevera standing on stage and a still of Murphy I also coloured. 

Although I was very pleased with my colouring and outlines etc, I did want to try out some more animating. Beth gave me the smoke scene to try. It was defiantly a lot harder than it seemed! We both tried and found it very difficult  to animate, and it was decided to be cut from the sting anyway due to timing issues. Here is a still from the practise.  

Finally, here is the completed sting. I was very pleased with the final outcome, and thoroughly  enjoyed working as part of a team.